Adulting, Rejection and Business as Usual

We sat on barstools in the front door of the coffee shop, taking in the warmth of the sun like cats on a porch. We looked at each other and out the windows and at the people that filled the room. Not all words are…

What I Didn’t Find at the Bottom of a Bottle

During the summer of 2015 dead people were everywhere. They could be found in the news, in my family and even in my dreams. It was just one of those summers where folks were starting their new lives in marriage, but others were taking their…

While Waiting For My Clothes and My Soul to Dry

My underwear, comforter and other random articles of clothing are tumbling away in a dryer downstairs and I have to wait, wait, wait like a dog for his master. I can see the Lord of this life, high up in the clouds, laugh at my…

Creativity and The Frustrating Battle Against Entitlement

I guess immediately after finishing the last blog post I should start a new one. In theory, I should churn out one blog after another like a creative genius – moving from each post into a continuous cycle of writing and editing. If I did…

My First Work Trip: Chicago, Spreadsheets and Biscuits and Gravy

All of my preconceived notions about work trips and delusions of grandeur die like the cornfields of autumn on this dreary fall morning. The clouds are windswept against the horizon of the Midwestern sky. Lake Michigan is having her way with the weather and I…

Death and The Beginning of My 30’s

  On the final day of my strongest decade yet, I was hung over. It seems fitting that I ended my twenties like I spent the majority of them – sitting in bed, eating bacon and eggs, trying not to dry heave, drinking water and…

Soburary Week 4: I Need a Drink and a Decent Ending

  I don’t like the collision of syllables within words like “wrong” or “loser” or “failure”. But yet they seem to be near impossible to avoid. As a modern American those honest words of assessment are a dirty dirty language. And they are my curse…

Soburary Week 3: My First Cigarette

The final basketball game of my high school career did not go as planned. When the final buzzer let out, so did the air in my lungs; I was desperate, crushed, and lost. My world hinged on that goddamn orange ball and that sense of…