No Diplomas, Only Hugs

“You’ll have far better luck toughening yourself up than you ever will trying to take the teeth out of the world that is – at best – indifferent to you existence.” – Ryan Holiday in The Obstacle is the Way

What I Didn’t Find at the Bottom of a Bottle

During the summer of 2015 dead people were everywhere. They could be found in the news, in my family and even in my dreams. It was just one of those summers where folks were starting their new lives in marriage, but others were taking their…

While Waiting For My Clothes and My Soul to Dry

My underwear, comforter and other random articles of clothing are tumbling away in a dryer downstairs and I have to wait, wait, wait like a dog for his master. I can see the Lord of this life, high up in the clouds, laugh at my…

In Search of Beardlightenment

November has come and gone with the same chart authority as a Asher Roth single, and just like that interesting, yet, momentary chart-topping white rapper, we feel a little cheated by the possibilities, and the woulda, coulda, shouda’s. The only difference was our hopes involved…